About us

Pride in being Loacker

46.519 038° 11.448 998°
These are the geographical coordinates of the Loacker headquarters in Auna di Sotto at 1,000 meters above sea level with view of the Dolomites and the Sciliar.
There is so much we could say about ourselves! We could start by saying that it all began a long time ago and that, since then, not a single day has passed without each of us being proud to be part of Loacker. Our long history, our lively traditions, and the precious recipes that we cherish like treasures, mean we can devote ourselves to the creation of goodness, with products that are renowned around the world. The satisfaction of working on something that brings pleasure to millions of people makes us love our work all the more. It gives us a love of life itself.

Life for us is the people next to us, those we work with, those who identify with our products. Life is the environment, which turns to us for the attention it deserves. Life is authenticity, wholesomeness, and quality, which can only be achieved by commitment, planning, and dedication.
At Loacker, we have no doubt: goodness is a choice.

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Background element

raw materials 


This is how we take responsibility for people, for the environment and for our quality.

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