Our Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar

We work alongside small Malagasy farmers, making sure they receive a fair price.

Our Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar

Our sustainable „Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar” program

Vanilla Go to product

Vanilla is one of the fundamental raw materials in our products. That’s why we exclusively use precious Bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar which are known for its premium quality and purity. We started the sustainable Bourbon Vanilla program in 2019 in the Sava region, in northern Madagascar, at the heart of the production area of the valuable Bourbon variety. We work directly with local farms in these villages: Marofototra, Marofinatra, and Andranalingoza. This program allows us to purchase high-quality Bourbon vanilla, guarantees supply chain traceability, and fair working conditions for farmers involved.


The vanilla pods are delivered to the Loacker production plants in bundles and go through their first quality check. They’re then cut by hand and inspected a second time to ensure that the vanilla crystals have formed, meaning that the vanilla has reached its ideal flavor. After minimization by machine, the vanilla is now a powder and ready for production.

Local community

We work directly with our local contacts to understand which projects are most needed by the local communities. We started off with new vanilla fields, new water wells, and sanitary facilities. We financed training sessions on environmental protection and safe guarding the rain forest. We refund farmers and communities who carry out environmental measures such as dredging rivers and collecting waste.

Our commitment

In 2021, we sourced approximately 10% of our total vanilla needs through our sustainability project in Madagascar. By 2025 we plan to source 50% of our supply need from this partnership, and by the end of 2030 the entire supply.

Vanilla | Your Good Choice