462,40 M €
Overall turnover of the Loacker Group in 2024 in Euro
--> Export: 256,14 M €
--> Italy: 82,73 M €
--> Brand Distribution: 88,95 M €
--> Retail: 10,81 M €
--> Dolomites Milk: 20,68 M €
--> Ingredients business: 69.547 €
As a producing and service-orientated company, we are committed to the protection of our employees and nature, to complying with customer requests, to a systematic management and an open information policy.
In order to fulfil requirements for an integrated management system as well as our own targets, we have set up a management system that includes the requirements for a quality management system (DIN EN ISO 9001), food safety management and an environment management system (DIN EN ISO 14001). It complies with express aspects of occupational safety (BS OHSAS) and is used in the company as an integrated management system.
We are convinced that high product and service quality as well as environmental protection and observing social and ethical principles and economic success should not be a conflict today and for future generations. They are important principles in securing the independence and long-term existence of the company.
To protect the company and thus jobs at Loacker, in 2017 an Organisational, Management and Control Model was introduced pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
The model sets out a structured system of internal procedures and controls in order to prevent the commission of the offences listed in the Decree. It further aims to ensure that employees work towards achieving the Company’s main objectives and carry out their tasks and duties correctly.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct contained in the Organisational, Management and Control Model is intended to ensure that the activities of A. Loacker AG are conducted ethically and on a long-term basis, taking account of its social responsibilities and certain fundamental principles.
Our company has for generations been characterised by its vision and responsibility in ensuring that we can enjoy a habitable nature and a humane society, coupled with long-term economic success.
Sustainability for us means a holistic balance between our corporate core values of quality, economic success and social, ethical and environmental responsibility.
Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our strategic objectives for the following five fields of action:
Overall turnover of the Loacker Group in 2024 in Euro
--> Export: 256,14 M €
--> Italy: 82,73 M €
--> Brand Distribution: 88,95 M €
--> Retail: 10,81 M €
--> Dolomites Milk: 20,68 M €
--> Ingredients business: 69.547 €
Number of items produced in 2024
1) Italy
2) Saudi Arabia
3) Israel
4) Usa
5) China
Number of tons sold in 2024