Climate neutrality

Less is more!

Efficient use of energy and resources.
What have we done so far?

Preserving our planet

With our specialties, we also want to sweeten the lives of future generations without any bitter aftertaste. That is why the responsible use of our planet and its resources is of particular concern to us.

Using energy and resources efficiently

Through heat recovery systems, the oven warmth is used to heat the production and administration rooms and provide hot water. Heating oil, on the other hand, is now only used to meet peak demand, saving around 1,9 million liters of it from 2021 to 2023, and thus around 5,060 tons of CO2.

We purchase 100% green electricity from the renewable energy sources of water and wind. To produce our own electricity, we have photovoltaic systems at our Unterinn and Heinfels sites.

  • Unterinn: installed in 2011 and produces 66,000 kilowatt hours annually
  • Heinfels: installed in 2021 and produces 500,000 kilowatt hours per year. It covers around 5% of the site's electricity consumption (data 2023).

Since 2001Loacker’s production plants have been ISO 14001 certified (international environmental management standard)

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Making transport & logistics environmentally friendly

To make the process more environmentally friendly, we have already taken various measures and have thus been able to significantly reduce our CO2 - emissions.

Some of our trucks for deliveries are powered by natural gas or bio-liquid gas, and we reduce the number of journeys we make by increasing the load volume.

Loacker - Green transport

To reduce private transport as well, our employees can use a shuttle service at the Unterinn and Bolzano sites. Our flee also includes three electric cars, which are charged if possible with 100% green electricity and are used for the maintenance of our outdoor facilities and also for company trips.